Friday, July 15, 2011

new discipline (silent prayer)

Silent prayer, or centering prayer, or silent meditation whatever you want to call it is what I have been trying to grow in my life. Twenty minutes every morning, I light a candle, and try to listen for that still small voice. To clear my mind of the clutter, and noise, and listen for God's breath, for God's whisper...

I suck at it. Can't go 10 seconds without my mind drifting off. I guess thats why they call it a discipline. I was better at pentecostal scream therapy prayer :)



Anthony said...

I find the morning hard for that kind of centred prayer. I've tried many times but find myself drifting back to sleep, even if I'm sitting up!

I would also like to become more practiced in the discipline of silence/meditation. I guess practice makes better :)

Chris Lorensson said...

Hi John — glad you said something. I wrote a post years ago on Upptäcka Network about meditation, and it's something I've been working on myself as well. The first 10-20 minutes seem to be the most difficult for me, then if I make it past that, I feel like I 'arrive' somewhere and, like running, feel like I could stay there as long as I liked. It's weird.

Jon Philpott said...

I've been setting my alarm clock 20 minutes earlier every morning to try and do the same thing, except the snooze button seems to be getting in the way. I managed it last week but had a similar problem, it was very hard to get to that center. As bad as it might sound, I'm glad its not just me, maybe I'm not insane after all?

Jon Philpott said...

John, have you tried centering using verses from the psalms instead? I'm reading through psalm 139, and it seems like it was written for exactly this, also ps 63.