Sunday, May 29, 2005


Yesterday when we gathered for our weekly gathering we did our usual breakfast thing. Pancakes, sausages, toast and crumpets. And then we moved into the sitting room for our "religious" section.

We could do anything at this time. Whoever is hosting the gathering leads the thing, and we do many different things. Today, one of our family showed a slide show about his recent trip to central America. He showed us the places he went, and commented on the architecture and the people in each place. Showed us one picture from far away of people that did not want their pictures taken for spiritual reasons.

There was no scripture, no worship, no discussion.

Just one of God's children, sharing about his life.

And yes that is church, and I grew.

the rev


Gareth Williams said...

I think ultimately our goal in the church is to know God deeper. So anything that helps us to do this should be encouraged.
Yet, so many people are trapped in the study Bible/sing/communion etc mode of church.

Trav said...

I think you have covered an important aspect in the life of church. If that's all you do however i would suggest your missing vital parts of what it means to be church.

john jensen said...

Ofcourse it is just a part, the most neglected part of church in my opinion. I wonder if I left that part out if anyone would say anything?

We, as Christians say we believe Jesus lives inside of each other. But how often in our looking for Jesus do we look to each other? I believe we find Him there, often more powerfully than we find him in our slick worship services, and our intelectual bible studies.

the rev

Anonymous said...

Community? You build community and people support it? How is this possible? MS

john jensen said...


are you being sarcastic?

the rev

Anonymous said...

No. Most efforts I have seen to build community fail miserably. Too often people are "too busy", "don't care", "have other freinds", etc. and the circle invevitably falls apart


Kitty Cheng said...
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Kitty Cheng said...

yeah I agree with ms...the communities that I've been part of have the same problems, or it could just be my own problems, that I'm "too busy" or have too many other commitments. So how can we be sure that church / community can be built / nurtured so that their members can be a real part of one another's lives, and not just a part of a gathering, or some programmes?

john jensen said...

Everything of value must be worked for. Nothing lasting comes without sacrifice. The fact that we continue to think we can chase our careers, our consumeristic lifestyles, and our personal fulilment and still be devoted to fellowship is ridiculous. It was not me who said, "he who seeks to find his life shall lose it, and he who seeks to lose his life for my sake will find it"

If we actually believed that we would live it. I sorta believe it some of the time.

the rev

KLJ said...

Can you guys pray for my friend Vivian. I don't pray, but it would mean a-lot to her if I could tell here you folks were. She reads your newletters.
She's in the hospital with bad pneumonia. Breathing machine's and all. She's got a 16 year old boy who already lost his dad so she needs to hang around a bit longer.